Come to talk

We have a lot of relationships. With ourselves, with a partner, with work, with money, and with addictions. And we all have the right to be happy. Yet we are not. Maybe you've achieved everything you’ve ever wanted, and you're still worried.

In 95% of cases, the client comes to solve problems that only mask the real problem. Our ego does not want to lose it. He's coddling himself. I will help you discover the cause of your dissatisfaction and deal with it once and for all.

And I promise you that you will be better even after the first meeting.

You will feel relief

Already after the first session, you will feel better, and within six months, you will see positive changes in your life. People come to me for two reasons. They have problems they can't cope with on their own, or they feel dissatisfied with their lives, even if they do not know why. What problems do you struggle with?

  • with yourself (stress, depression, illness, aging…)
  • with your partner (communication, infidelity, divorce…)
  • at work (stress, workaholism, authorities, colleagues…)
  • with money (debt, spending, phobias…)
  • addiction (alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex…)
Terapeutické sezení

Deeva Charlotte Jensen

Senior business consultant, Denmark
“Michal is very intuitive and bright. His experienced leadership supported me during the sessions. I had two sessions and both were amazing. My first session was shortly after my mother's death, and I was confused about my direction in life. Michal led me in a regression of my past, which was very deep. I found new intention and direction and moved to Australia half a year later. A year later, I had a second session. Michal tailored it for me to work with the energies of my inner male and inner female. His loving presence and precise observational talent helped me to see the communication 'blocks' between my two sides more clearly.”
Párová terapie

Individual and pair therapy

Whether you come for work, personal, or relationship reasons, I will patiently listen to you. And everything we say will stay between us. When you come with a partner, we always talk between four eyes. Only then will I help you with focused therapy.

Everyone is different. Some people like sitting, others enjoy a massage and meditation techniques are best for others.

  • Gestalt therapy
  • Counseling
  • Paired relationship therapy
  • Working with the inner male and inner female energy polarity (Star Sapphire Male-Female Energywork)
  • Constellation systems
  • Hypnosis
  • and other methods…

Petr Nadeen Gemza

Marketing Specialist, Prague
“Michal is an empathic therapist and he can quickly tune in and help find your inner truth. He's a true professional, and I highly recommend his therapy. It has helped me to realise the male and female polarity and the uniqueness in which they coexist. New to me was the discovery that they unconsciously subsidise each other, which results in a lot of unconscious behavioural patterns and energy loss. I focused on the subsidising part, giving my female aspect space and a voice during dialogue so that she could manifest herself and then meet the other half. This time in harmony and balance. This has brought me relief, harmony, and balance in everyday life situations where before there was an imbalance.”

How therapy works

When you first arrive, we will spend the first 10 minutes talking so that I can get to know you and get in tune with you. Then I uncover your troubles, what problems they mask, and the causes. Finally, with targeted therapy, I will help you to deal with the cause and solve the problem.

Some individuals need just one or two meetings, others come once a year. Typically, a series of 4 to 5 sessions followed by a month-long break during which you learn how to identify and solve problems works well for most. We will discuss how you did and then agree if further therapy is needed. Very often, however, the first session will help open your eyes and teach you how to solve your troubles.

Therapy is demanding, especially for me, so to always be 'fresh' for our sessions, I see at most two clients per day. 

How much does it cost?

Individual therapy and hypnotherapy cost 2000 CZK and lasts 60 minutes.

Couples therapy costs 2900 CZK and lasts 80 minutes.

Inner Man and Inner Woman Therapy costs 2500 CZK and lasts 90 minutes.

Terapeut a vztaholog Michal „Safar“ Nikodem

A safe place

To confide your misery in someone is not so easy. To help you feel comfortable and safe during our therapy talk, I have created a room in accordance with Feng shui as well as healing and meditation techniques. You will be surprised at how quickly you tune in to its pleasant atmosphere. Come and try it. I am only a few steps from Charles Square in Prague 2.

of continuous training and practice
of work experiences in style of Gestalt, Osho and hypnosis
a day so I can stay in tune

I am a therapist

with 14 years of experience, but that sounds too technical, so I prefer relationshipologist. The basic rule: we solve 80 % of our problems on our own, but we don't know what to do about the rest. And it is precisely the rest that is burdening all our lives. I went through it myself…