Come to relax
When something hurts, your body may be whispering 'slow down.' And that you should figure out what has been bothering you for a long time. Listen to it and relax your body and mind with a therapeutic massage.
Therapeutic massage is based on old Indian teachings and is more effective for modern man than we want to admit. Most of the pain in the body comes from mental discomfort. Therefore, I will help you remove blocks and restore the balance between your body and consciousness.
As one of my clients, a UK surgeon, said right after the massage, "it's like a non-invasive operation that combines touch and therapy."
Relieve your body and soul
People come to me with headaches, back pain, sore necks, legs, hands, shoulders, and joints. They wish to rid themselves of the pain and relax their bodies. During the massage, however, we often discover that the true cause lies in the conscious. These are suppressed situations, strained relationships with oneself or one's surroundings, or emotional blocks. And they result in pain in the body.
The body simply says "enough" to let you know that something is wrong. All you have to do is listen and restore your body and mind with therapeutic massage.
- by relieving muscle and joint pain
- getting at suppressed issues from a distance
- the gradual removal of blocks
- increased freedom of movement
- better blood and lymph circulation
- calmer and deeper sleep

S. J.
Therapeutic massage techniques
Ayurvedic Balance Bodywork Massage
We all have internal defense mechanisms that, like armor, protect us from physical and mental pain. Over time, however, they begin to hinder access to our source of energy and joy in life. Massage helps you to restore the mind and body to balance.
I learned this technique during a long stay in India from an Ayurvedic doctor, healer, and teacher, Master Shikha, who took over the art from his father in accordance with tradition.
A full-body oil massage relieves pain in the muscles and joints, making you more agile and improving your blood and lymph circulation so that your mood improves, you relax, and you sleep better. As a masseur and therapist, I will be the mediator between your body and your conscious, and during the massage, we will begin the process of self-healing.
Psychic or “clairvoyant" massage
I will massage your body, back, torso, limbs, head, and feet, just like during a regular massage. Moreover, we will loosen the mind. Different pictures and feelings are washed out of both you and me during the massage.
During this technique, the therapist must be in tune with the client. Situations enter the conscious that have been suppressed, that we do not want to see, hear, or communicate. And they have caused pain deep within the psyche and the body.
After the massage, you can look at yourself and your life from a distance. You will discover the real cause of your pain. And gradually, you will learn to cope with it.

Praphulla Antje Wilhelm
How therapeutic massage works
When you first arrive, we will spend the first 10 minutes talking so that I can get to know you and get in tune with you. Then we will start a therapeutic massage using the technique most suitable for you. We will gradually discover the real cause of your pain, and I will help you to unblock it.
Unlike classic massage, you do not have to come to me every week. Some of my clients need only one massage, others come more frequently. Already after the first massage, you will feel relief and you will know how to get rid of the tension in your body.
Therapeutic massage is mentally demanding, especially for me, so to always be ‘fresh’ for our sessions, I see up to two clients a day.
How much does the massage cost?
Therapeutic massage costs 2500 CZK and lasts 1.5 hours, plus plenty of time for a shower, a glass of water, and to relax.

A safe place
To confide your misery in someone is not so easy. To help you feel comfortable and safe during our therapy talk, I have created a room in accordance with Feng shui as well as healing and meditation techniques. You will be surprised at how quickly you tune in to its pleasant atmosphere. Come and try it. I am only a few steps from Charles Square in Prague 2.
I am a therapist
with 15 years of experience, but that sounds too technical, so I prefer relationshipologist. The basic rule: we solve 80% of our problems on our own, but we don't know what to do about the rest. And it is precisely the rest that is burdening all our lives. I went through it myself…